[ic] How IC 4.6.5 calls EncryptProgram

Corey Gilmore interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Fri Aug 10 16:07:00 2001

Well I wrote a little wrapper for PGP 6.5.8,

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use File::Temp;

($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile() or die "couldn't create temp file: $!";
#($fh-out, $output) = File::Temp::tempfile() or die "couldn't create temp file: $!";

#print "filename: $filename\nhandle: $fh\n";

while( <> ) {
  print $fh $_;

$out = $filename . ".asc";
system "/usr/bin/pgp -eat $filename user\@host.com 2>/dev/null";
system "/bin/cat $out";
`/usr/bin/pgp -w $filename 2>/dev/null`;
`/usr/bin/pgp -w $out 2>/dev/null`;
return 0;

yes, its not perfect, but its to help me diagnose whats wrong with my

$ cat /etc/issue.net | /usr/bin/pgpe

spits out the encrypted message on stdout.

So now, the only time this DOESN'T work, is when IC calls it, I still get
the 'Credit card encryption failed: ' error

What I can't figure out is how IC calls the EncryptProgram.

Any ideas?


>From catalog.cfg

Variable		  ORDER_ROUTES	  log main copy_user
Variable  MV_PAYMENT_MODE   minivend_test
CreditCardAuto      No

# Main route must be last to make default
Route main        attach           0
Route main        credit_card      0
Route main        cybermode        ""
Route main        default          1
Route main        email            'cfg@dln.uvm.edu'
Route main        encrypt          0
Route main        encrypt_program  __ENCRYPTOR__
Route main        errors_to        'cgilmore@dln.uvm.edu'
Route main        increment        0
Route main        pgp_cc_key       ""
Route main        pgp_key          ""
Route main        receipt          etc/receipt.html
Route main        report           etc/report
Route main        supplant         1
Route main        individual_track orders
Route main        track            logs/tracking.asc

Variable    ENCRYPTOR       		/usr/bin/pgpe
EncryptProgram __ENCRYPTOR__