[ic] DBI::Proxy and mv/ic

interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Wed Dec 19 10:32:01 2001

Re DBI::Proxy and mv/ic

I've been able to use minivend with DBI::Proxy.

It required this in the environment before starting:
  export DBI_AUTOPROXY="hostname=my_db_host;port=3333"

And the following changes to catalog.cfg for catalog 'foo'

Database        products products dbi:mysql:foo:
#Database       products products dbi:mysql:foo:my_db_host:3306
#Database       products USER minivend

This assumes that dbiproxy is running on my_db_host as user 'minivend'
and listening on port 3333.

Rather than a network connection to mysql server on my_db_host, we now
use a network connection to dbiproxy on my_db_host.  dbiproxy then makes
a 'localhost' connection with UNIX socket to 'foo' db, hence the change
in dsn, dropping 'my_db_host:3306'.

Presumably, s/minivend/interchange/g;



Christopher F. Miller, Publisher                               cfm@maine.com
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