[ic] Localization challenge with [LC] and [loci].

Ton Verhagen ton@verhagen.net
Fri, 05 Jan 2001 09:31:08 +0100

Dear John,

A few questions:
Have you downloaded the code for the loci tag from the Interchange site?
Have you installed this code somewhere your catalog can find them?

In order to include additional usertags and other code you could create a 
directory and put a file containing the code (e.g. for loci) in it. Then 
add lines like the following to your catalog.cfg

#### Now including individual usertag files

#include usertag/*
#include /opt/usr/ton/my_add_ons/*
#include /opt/usr/ton/my_usertags/*

The above include should point to the directory that contains the files to 
be included.

Re-configure your catalog or restart Interchange.

That's all.

Good luck,

Ton Verhagen

At 11:53 PM 1/4/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi to all!
>I'm using Interchange 4.6.1 and a slightly customized "Construction Demo".
>I changed the following in catalog.cfg:
>#Locale          en_US LC_CTYPE C
>Locale          fr_FR LC_CTYPE C
>When I embed the following in the aboutus.html page:
>This is the LC default text.
>[fr_FR] Text for the LC fr_FR locale. [/fr_FR]
>This is the loci default text.
>[fr_FR] Text for the loci fr_FR locale. [/fr_FR]
>I get the following:
>This is the LC default text.
>[loci] This is the loci default text. [fr_FR] Text for the loci fr_FR
>locale. [/fr_FR] [/loci]
>The months are presented in French as expected but the lines in between
>are... not as expected. Any suggestions?
>John Matecsa
>Interchange-users mailing list