[ic] form_mail.

Cameron Germein cameron.germein@team.eftel.com
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 12:21:58 +0800

I'm trying to get the formmail functionality working under IC 4.6.1, and
having a few difficulties. I ripped the sample code for a formmail page out
of an older minivend 4.something installation, and when running it under IC
4.6.1, i'm getting this in the error logs:

xxx.xxx.net.au SJLSTWCV:net.au - [31/January/2001:12:04:20 +0800] rdttech
/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/inter/rdttech/process Safe: Unable to create sub named
"*MVSAFE::form_mail" at (eval 402) line 2.
>       form_mail
>               (
>                       q{camerong},
>                       q{hello},
>                       q{b0rg@b0rg.com},
>                       <<'EOMail' )
> Subject: hello
>    From: fsdgh
>   Email: b0rg@b0rg.com
> Message
> --------
> fdgyhyj
> EOMail

it works fine in the original minivend, just not in the new IC installation.
Any ideas?