R: [ic] Locale question

Joachim Leidinger interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Tue Jul 3 06:16:00 2001

Stefano Nota wrote:
> I don't have a price pictures, i tried to set one for IT but it convert from
> euro to lira but price is shown with euro pricing: EURO 371.124,80 instead
> of Lit. 371.125.
> This sounds so strange.
> Maybe can be helpful: I must show price in euro and lira or Dollars,
> depending on locale.

Yes...depending on locale, you have to tell Interchange, how to display

----------snip locale.txt-----
code            en_US   de_DE   it_IT   eur_EUR
currency_symbol	$	DM	Lit.    EURO
decimal_point	.	.	.
default	0	0	1     0
frac_digits	2	2	0      2
mon_decimal_point	.	,	,
mon_thousands_sep	,	,	.
p_cs_precedes	1		
p_sep_by_space			1
price_picture		DM ### ### ###,##   Lit. ###.###.###   EURO
----------snip locale.txt-----



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Hans-Joachim Leidinger          black point arts Internet Solutions GmbH
email: jojo@blackpoint.de       FAX  : +49 0209-398265