[ic] Members_only & Login Redirect

Ron Dorman interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Sat Jul 14 16:07:01 2001

Been fighting this problem for 2 weeks, I will be bald soon if I don't
get this figured out.

The problem is this:
person before me modified v4.6.1 Construct demo flypage template to [set
members_only]1[/set] requiring login, and/or new account entry, before
displaying the flypage with the item detail.  This works fine.

after login, or new account entry, the user is returned to the site home
page due to
    [set Log In]
    [if session logged_in]
in the login.html file

We need to send the user on to the flypage for requested product info
instead of the site home page.

I have worked with 'A HREF="[history-scan' in several variations,
setting scratch variables and using 'bounce href=scratch variable' in
several variations.  And a few other things from the archives.  Nothing
has worked yet.

I would prefer to use the history-scan option so users are always
returned to where they were going.

Since the members_only flag is set on the flypage, does it not get added
to history befor redirecting to 'login'?

Do flypages not get added to history at all?

I am really in a bind with this one and would greatly appreciate any

Ron D.