[ic] problem wirh more list on result.html

TGe303 TGe303@gmx.de
Sun, 11 Mar 2001 10:20:39 +0100

After recieving a result after i have submit a search i from searchform i
can not navigate through the more list. Sure, there are some links like 1  2
3 4 5 6 7 8 ... but when i click on result page nr. 3 i canīt navigate to 4
because the navigation is away :-(
 here the code:

[L]Zeige [matches] von
[if value mv_search_match_count > 1]
    [value mv_search_match_count] gefundenen.[/L]


<B>Links zu mehr Treffern</B><BR>




and the search form (sorry, very big)

[L]Search[/L] __COMPANY__



[if config Glimpse] [L]Spelling errors allowed[/L]
0 1 2 [/if]
[L]Suche nach Preis[/L]
