[ic] Shipped Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Guru

Guido Sohne caught_one@yahoo.com
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 09:05:19 -0800 (PST)

I posted earlier on a shipping problem I was having and was basically
told to either

1) Iterate over the cart items in Perl and watch the sun rising ... :-)
2) Or use an add-on product called shipd ...

I opted for 'roll-your-own' :-) and am being rolled over by a steam

I'm trying to calculate shipping for a set of items in a shopping cart.
Each item could potentially have its own shipping method. 

This is intended to allow for widely varying types of goods. For
example, shipping iron rods is different from shipping jewelry, yet
both can be bought at the same time. 

As far as I am aware, Interchange calculates shipping based on the
aggregate weight/quantity of the items in a cart by applying a data
table to this aggregate quantity. We're shipping based on weight.

I've identified a strategy which seems workable except I do not know
the steps needed to achieve it.

1) Add a field to products database called ship. This field is the
of shipping (ie. the data table to be applied to this product)

2) Define tags that are used with [item-list] to be used as below:-

	([]'s shifted around for clarity)

				shipmode="[item-field ship]" 
				weight="[item-field weight]" 
	[calculate-shipping-to "New Jersey"]

3) These UserTags go into the catalog.cfg for the store.

This UserTag resets all shipping values to zero and should be used each
time one is going to do something related to calculating shipping.

UserTag reset-shipping Routine <<EOR
sub { $Vend::Session->{SendToAfrica} = undef; return ""; }

This UserTag sorts the products into bins according to shipping class
and calculates the aggregate weight for each bin.

UserTag add-to-shipping Order shipmode weight quantity
UserTag add-to-shipping Routine <<EOR
sub {
        my ($shipmode,$weight,$quantity) = @_;
        $Vend::Session->{SendToAfrica}{$shipmode} += $weight *
        return "";

This UserTag is supposed to apply a data table used in regular
Interchange shipping to each bin. If the bin are called '1', '2' and
'3', and we are shipping to 'USA', then this UserTag should apply data
table USA1 to the aggregate weight of items in bin '1'; apply data
table USA2 to the aggregate weight of items in bin '2' etc.

I'm setting $::Values->{mv_shipmode} to the concatenation of the
shipping destination and the shipping class. That would make data table
'USA1' apply to destination 'USA' and shipping class '1'.

Now I want to call an Interchange function, telling it to calculate
shipping for the items in bin '1' for destination 'USA'. From looking
at the source code for sub shipping in Interpolate.pm, I guess the next
step is to create a cart for each bin, put all items in the bin into
the cart.

I'm having problems trying to work out how to do the
calculate-shipping-to UserTag properly. This code doesn't work ... and
I need help with it especially as this is my first descent into the
Perl side of developing with Interchange.

Any ideas ? This would be much easier if Interchange had API level 
documentation. If something like that exists, please let me know !!!!

I'm tearing my hair out trying to grok this Perl :) it's too 
elite for me, maybe ... Maybe ?!?

UserTag calculate-shipping-to Order region
UserTag calculate-shipping-to Routine <<EOR
sub {
        my $region = shift;
        my $method = undef;
        my $cat = undef;
        my $total = undef;

        foreach $cat (keys %{$Vend::Session->{SendToAfrica}}) {
                # TODO: from region get shipping data table
                # this is done by setting mv_shipmode
                $::Values->{mv_shipmode} = $region . $cat;

                print $Vend::Interpolate::shipping($region . $cat);
                # TODO: use mv_shipmode on category weight
                $total += $Vend::Session->{SendToAfrica}{$cat};
        return "$total";

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