[ic] Shipped Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Guru

cfm@maine.com cfm@maine.com
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 13:50:36 -0500

On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 09:05:19AM -0800, Guido Sohne wrote:
> I posted earlier on a shipping problem I was having and was basically
> told to either
> 1) Iterate over the cart items in Perl and watch the sun rising ... :-)
> 2) Or use an add-on product called shipd ...
> I opted for 'roll-your-own' :-) and am being rolled over by a steam
> roller.
> I'm trying to calculate shipping for a set of items in a shopping cart.
> Each item could potentially have its own shipping method. 
> This is intended to allow for widely varying types of goods. For
> example, shipping iron rods is different from shipping jewelry, yet
> both can be bought at the same time. 
> As far as I am aware, Interchange calculates shipping based on the
> aggregate weight/quantity of the items in a cart by applying a data
> table to this aggregate quantity. We're shipping based on weight.
> I've identified a strategy which seems workable except I do not know
> all
> the steps needed to achieve it.

This is not at all a trivial project.  What I'll lay out
here is going to have lots of holes.  There are also **OTHER**
ways to solve it.  YMMV.

We use a tag in shipping.asc specifically so we can build these
shipping routines outside of precompiled code.  We only do this
for exceptional cases; I think only a couple of our catalogs use
it.  It does allow you to do **anything**.

included        Shipping is by FedEx    quantity        1       9999    f [merchants_shipping]


UserTag merchants_shipping Order base
UserTag merchants_shipping Routine <<EOF
sub {
        require MV::Merchants;
        require MV::Shipping;

        $opt{config}=$Vend::Cfg->{CatalogName}; # opt hack
        $M=&MV::Merchants::load_merchant(\%opt,$Vend::Session->{values}); # stubbed
        $opt{shipping_rules}=$M->{$opt{config}}{shipping_rules} if($M);
        return unless ($opt{shipping_rules});
        return $adj;

Any particular shipping routine checks to see if it
is enabled, then if it is, it iterates the cart,
touches it up as required, and then returns price

CommonAdjust    &{Vend::myModule::supa_pricing();}

That routine iterates the cart.
  for $item (@items) {

> 1) Add a field to products database called ship. This field is the
> class
> of shipping (ie. the data table to be applied to this product)
> 2) Define tags that are used with [item-list] to be used as below:-
> 	([]'s shifted around for clarity)
> 	[reset-shipping]
> 	[item-list]
> 		[add-to-shipping 
> 				shipmode="[item-field ship]" 
> 				weight="[item-field weight]" 
> 				quantity="[item-quantity]"
> 		]
> 	[/item-list]
> 	[calculate-shipping-to "New Jersey"]
> 3) These UserTags go into the catalog.cfg for the store.
> This UserTag resets all shipping values to zero and should be used each
> time one is going to do something related to calculating shipping.
> UserTag reset-shipping Routine <<EOR
> sub { $Vend::Session->{SendToAfrica} = undef; return ""; }
> This UserTag sorts the products into bins according to shipping class
> and calculates the aggregate weight for each bin.
> UserTag add-to-shipping Order shipmode weight quantity
> UserTag add-to-shipping Routine <<EOR
> sub {
>         my ($shipmode,$weight,$quantity) = @_;
>         $Vend::Session->{SendToAfrica}{$shipmode} += $weight *
> $quantity;
>         return "";
> }
> This UserTag is supposed to apply a data table used in regular
> Interchange shipping to each bin. If the bin are called '1', '2' and
> '3', and we are shipping to 'USA', then this UserTag should apply data
> table USA1 to the aggregate weight of items in bin '1'; apply data
> table USA2 to the aggregate weight of items in bin '2' etc.
> I'm setting $::Values->{mv_shipmode} to the concatenation of the
> shipping destination and the shipping class. That would make data table
> 'USA1' apply to destination 'USA' and shipping class '1'.
> Now I want to call an Interchange function, telling it to calculate
> shipping for the items in bin '1' for destination 'USA'. From looking
> at the source code for sub shipping in Interpolate.pm, I guess the next
> step is to create a cart for each bin, put all items in the bin into
> the cart.
> I'm having problems trying to work out how to do the
> calculate-shipping-to UserTag properly. This code doesn't work ... and
> I need help with it especially as this is my first descent into the
> Perl side of developing with Interchange.
> Any ideas ? This would be much easier if Interchange had API level 
> documentation. If something like that exists, please let me know !!!!
> I'm tearing my hair out trying to grok this Perl :) it's too 
> elite for me, maybe ... Maybe ?!?
> UserTag calculate-shipping-to Order region
> UserTag calculate-shipping-to Routine <<EOR
> sub {
>         my $region = shift;
>         my $method = undef;
>         my $cat = undef;
>         my $total = undef;
>         foreach $cat (keys %{$Vend::Session->{SendToAfrica}}) {
>                 # TODO: from region get shipping data table
>                 # this is done by setting mv_shipmode
>                 $::Values->{mv_shipmode} = $region . $cat;
>                 print $Vend::Interpolate::shipping($region . $cat);
>                 # TODO: use mv_shipmode on category weight
>                 $total += $Vend::Session->{SendToAfrica}{$cat};
>         }
>         return "$total";
> }
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Christopher F. Miller, Publisher                             cfm@maine.com
MaineStreet Communications, Inc         208 Portland Road, Gray, ME  04039
1.207.657.5078                                       http://www.maine.com/
Content management, electronic commerce, internet integration, Debian linux