[ic] Can GlobalSub override item_price routine? NOT WORKING

Amit Kulkarni proudlyindian@yahoo.com
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 13:08:31 +0530

Sorry john Could u be more vivid with ur reply coz i really didnt get ur

i have used [user-price] tag in common adjust and also the code in

and i used [user-price] tag in flypage.html ...

now ur reply "you should be still be using..." confused me even more
.... i have used [user-prcie] tag instead of [item-price] in catalog.cfg
...is it wrong or right.

i have also commented the following line
#UserDB         default    scratch    dealer

> Then used the [user-price] tag instead of [item-price] in flypage.html

> ....*it didnt work*

You should still be using [item-price] on the pages. The tag is used in
catalog.cfg in order to alter the way prices are looked up for the
[item-price] tag.

You should have comething like:

CommonAdjust   [user-price] ;products:price

in your catalog.cfg file.
