[ic] New help with global subs

Murray Gibbins Murray@scotweb.ltd.uk
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 15:39:30 +0000

If you are writing a Global sub for interchange and you want to test and/or
debug it then you could do worse than to put it into a file and pass it though
this ....



#   self_test.sh
# Test a minivend/interchange Global subroutine
# Usage ./self_test.sh  <file with only global sub in it>

if [ $# = 0 ] 
        echo "Syntax =  ./self_test.sh  <file with only global sub in it>";
        exit 1;
fi ;

cat $1 | perl -e
$str;print"\n\nGlobal Sub ",$@?" failed\n\n$@":" passed\n\n";'


for files of the form....

GlobalSub <<EOGA

    sub gen_hash {


YMMV, but I thought I would share :-)

  \__/    Murray Gibbins             murray@scotweb.ltd.uk
  /  \    Programmer
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