[ic] shipping calculate

Murray Gibbins Murray@scotweb.ltd.uk
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 13:47:30 +0100

Sergey Sheykin wrote:
> I understand this!
> But how I can to force Minivend calculate [shipping]
> on formula, placed in SQL-table?

This should give you lots to chew on :-)


[interch@handle shipd_mod]$ cat
code    description     criteria        min     max     formula
default United Kingdom  quantity        0       99999999        f [perl subs=1
global=1 ]my $cost =
$cost;[/perl][interch@handle shipd_mod]$ 


GlobalSub <<EOGS

    sub shipd{

	use lib qw(/etc/minivend/shipd_mod);	
	use strict;	
	use DBI ;
	use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock); 
	use POSIX;
	use Get_zones;

	use Shop2     ;
	use Shop3  ;
	use Shop4 ;
	use  Shop5          ;
	use Shop5   ;
	use Shop6  ;
	use Shop7     ;

	my $cart      = shift ;
        my $Carts_ref = shift || [] ;
        my $Tag       = shift ;
	my $dest      = shift ;

	sub shipd_logmsg { 
	    syslog("info","$0 $$: @_");
	    #print "$0 $$: @_ at ", scalar localtime, "\n" 

my $get_zones_obj = new Get_zones(\&shipd_logmsg);

shipd_logmsg("Cart : $cart");

MODTRY:    {

    my $mod_name = lc $cart ;
    $mod_name = ucfirst $mod_name ;
    # now lets try to find the module...

    my $mod_obj ;
    eval{$mod_obj = $mod_name->new(\&shipd_logmsg,1)};
    if($@){last MODTRY;}                    # don't go any furthur.

    my $hash_ref  = $mod_obj->hash_gen();
    my $totalcost = $mod_obj->shipd_cost($hash_ref,$dest,$get_zones_obj,); #
return cost

    return $totalcost ;

shipd_logmsg("Can't find the module for cart $cart");

return 99999999999;



  \__/    Murray Gibbins             murray@scotweb.ltd.uk
  /  \    Programmer
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