[ic] Error creating new tables

Renato Enea interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Fri May 11 04:36:00 2001

I am trying to create a new table (prezzi), i have created prezzi.pgsql
under dbconf/pgsql and prezzi.txt under products.
Reconfiguring catalog i have this error on log file:

- - - [11/May/2001:10:31:29 +0200] - - Using PostgreSQL,
- - - [11/May/2001:10:31:32 +0200] - - infoto config error: No database
object f
or table: prezzi
> Probable mismatch of Database directive to database type,
> for example calling DBI without proper modules or database
> access.
- - - [11/May/2001:10:31:32 +0200] - - Error reconfiguring catalog
to from running server (883)

Renato Enea