[ic] redirect, possible?

Stefan Hornburg Racke interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Fri May 18 08:52:00 2001

"Stefano Nota" <stefano@register.it> writes:

> No, i used it for internationalization,
> I noticed that, when i set locale to a language it takes effect after a
> reload of the page.
> So i set locale in a page which redirect people to the home, and changes are
> made.

You really should read the documenation on IC locales. 
Bouncing is completely unnecessary.

The last Locale setting in catalog.cfg decides which locale is the default.
You may use:

Locale it_IT currency_symbol LIRA

To switch the locales by link, use sth like that:
<a href="[area href="process/locale/en_US/page/@@MV_PAGE@@"]" class="navigation">english</a>


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