[ic] Searching on more than one table

Tobias Henle interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Thu Nov 1 03:48:06 2001

patrick.bennett@ccgenesis.com wrote:

> I would like to come up with a way to search two
> tables using one search string.  I have the products
> table and the article table, both of which should
> be searched from one search box.  Is there an
> easy way to do this?

Use SQL!

** I use SQL for most of my Querys becourse of preformance.
If you debug the SQL Querys form IC you will see that it oftens siply 
uses a SELECT * FROM bla; what is not very fast ;)

** and I use SQL berourse SQL == phun! ;)

mit freundlichen Grüßen

-Tobias Henle
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	mailto:t.henle@thiesen.com    http://www.thiesen.com