[ic] orders always encrypt credit card number

Curt Hauge interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Thu Nov 8 14:26:01 2001

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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> Quoting Curt Hauge (chc@mninter.net):
> > I recently upgraded to 4.8.2 from 4.6.5. I am receiving my
> orders with both
> > credit card AND the invoice encrypted. I would like just the whole order
> > encrypted. The docs stated to set either encrypt OR credit card to 1 (or
> > both to encrypt both). Am I missing something else? I have restarted
> > Interchange after making changes. The variables listed are set in
> > variable.txt as such:
> > ENCRYPTOR      /usr/local/bin/gpg
> > PGP_KEY        orders@mysite.com
> > ORDERS_TO      orders@mysite.com

> You don't mention that you tried running gpg from the command
> line, *as the Interchange UID*, with:
>     echo test | /usr/local/bin/gpg --always-trust -e -a -r
> 'orders@mysite.com'
> If that doesn't yield an encrypted message, you probably have a
> GPG keyring
> problem.

Thanks for your response, Mike. Yes, the encryption is working fine (and the
test yielded 'test'). However, it is encrypting the card and then the whole
order even though I have credit card set to 0 and encrypt set to 1. I want
it to encrypt the order only. I'm using a 4.6.5 catalog.cfg with the order
routine from 4.8.2 catalog.cfg. I have attached it if anyone cares to have a
look. I have looked for duplicate entries, but perhaps I am missing a key
variable? This is not a major problem, more likely 'wishing it worked like
before the upgrade'. =)

Curt Hauge

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# Set the sitewide information. The initial settings
# in the "variable" table are shown below; subsequent
# changes are only in the database, not below.

VariableDatabase variable

### These reflect the initial settings set above;
### if you uncomment them they will override it.
#Variable    SERVER_NAME     www.mysite.com
#Variable    CGI_URL         /cgi-bin/mysite
#Variable    SECURE_SERVER   http://www.mysite.com
#Variable    ORDERS_TO       chc@inter.net
#Variable    IMAGE_DIR       /mysite/images
#Variable    DOCROOT         /home/mysite/www
#Variable    SAMPLEHTML      /home/mysite/www/mysite
#Variable    SAMPLEURL       http://www.mysite.com/mysite
#Variable    COMPANY         My Site Test
#Variable    ENCRYPTOR       none
#Variable    SOMESQL        =20
#Variable    MYSQL          =20
#Variable    PGSQL          =20
#Variable    ORACLE         =20
#Variable    SQLDSN         =20
#Variable    SQLDB          =20
#Variable    SQLUSER        =20
#Variable    SQLPASS        =20


ParseVariables  Yes

######### Set the catalog URLS, using the Variable settings above.
## The URLs which are written to call the CGI link script.
VendURL                 http://__SERVER_NAME____CGI_URL__
SecureURL               __SECURE_SERVER____CGI_URL__

## Set the image path for relative images
ImageDir                __IMAGE_DIR__/
ImageDirInternal        http://__SERVER_NAME____IMAGE_DIR__/


######### Some user session related settings...

## Whether to encrypt passwords in UserDB
## We usually don't for users, so we can mail them their password
## We DO in admin, that is set in catalog_after.cfg
UserDB    default    crypt         0

## Change a field to something that doesn't conflict in MySQL
UserDB    default    time_field    mod_time

## Don't want people setting their credit limit or dealer status =
UserDB    default    scratch       "dealer credit_limit"

### minimal login stuff for affiliate
UserDB    affiliate  user_field    affiliate
UserDB    affiliate  database      affiliate
UserDB    affiliate  time_field    none
UserDB    affiliate  crypt         0

## Set some initial values
ScratchDefault   mv_add_dot_html   1
ScratchDefault   mv_no_session_id  1
ScratchDefault   mv_no_count       1
ScratchDefault   order_style       1
ValuesDefault    mv_shipmode       uspsi=20
ValuesDefault    show_basket       1

########   These define the variables for templating    ########
########   You see them in pages with __LEFTRIGHT_TOP__ ########
########                                                ########
########   Files are actually in templates/regions dir  ########
########                                                ########

## Define some colors
Variable   HEADERBG    BGCOLOR=3D"#669999"
Variable   TITLEBG     BGCOLOR=3D"#669999"

## Put in memory with high traffic settings
## Better performance this way
## TRAFFIC is defined in interchange.cfg
## Variables used in these files must have been previously defined

#ifdef @TRAFFIC =3D~ /high/i
ParseVariables  Yes
ConfigDir templates/regions
Variable      NOLEFT_TOP       <NOLEFT_TOP
Variable      SEL_LEFT_TOP     <SEL_LEFT_TOP
Variable      SEL_ALL_TOP      <SEL_ALL_TOP
ConfigDir config

## Use [include ...] with low traffic settings, file read every time
## template changes show up immediately this way
## TRAFFIC is defined in interchange.cfg

#ifdef @TRAFFIC =3D~ /low/i
Variable      NOLEFT_TOP       [include templates/regions/NOLEFT_TOP]
Variable      NOLEFT_BOTTOM    [include templates/regions/NOLEFT_BOTTOM]
Variable      LEFTRIGHT_TOP    [include templates/regions/LEFTRIGHT_TOP]
Variable      LEFTRIGHT_BOTTOM [include =
Variable      LEFTONLY_TOP     [include templates/regions/LEFTONLY_TOP]
Variable      LEFTONLY_BOTTOM  [include =
Variable      SEL_LEFT_TOP     [include templates/regions/SEL_LEFT_TOP]
Variable      SEL_LEFT_BOTTOM  [include =
Variable      SEL_ALL_TOP      [include templates/regions/SEL_ALL_TOP]
Variable      SEL_ALL_BOTTOM   [include =
Variable      INDEX_BOTTOM     [include templates/regions/INDEX_BOTTOM]


ParseVariables  Yes

# Sets Interchange to not parse <BODY MV=3D"body 1"> and other tags =
# HTML tags, use [pragma no_html_parse 0] to enable on a page
Pragma          no_html_parse

MailOrderTo             __ORDERS_TO__

########   DATABASE SETUP                               ########
########                                                ########
########   When you defined your catalog, you specified ########
########   a database type. This region uses #include   ########
########   to include the database definitions based    ########
########   on that choice.                              ########
########                                                ########
########   See the directories in dbconf/ for the       ########
########   different types.                             ########
########                                                ########

#ifndef SQLDSN
Variable    SQLDSN         =20

##### MySQL
#ifdef MYSQL

Message Using MySQL, DSN=3D__SQLDSN__.

# Tell the default DBM we are using something else...
Variable  SOME_DATABASE  1

# Uncomment if needed
#Variable  SQLUSER  foo
#Variable  SQLPASS  bar

# The table defs are in separate files in the dbconf/mysql directory,
# the ones kept in DBM are in TABLENAME.dbm files.

#include dbconf/mysql/*


##### PostgreSQL
#ifdef PGSQL

Message Using PostgreSQL, DSN=3D__SQLDSN__.

# Tell the default DBM we are using something else...
Variable  SOME_DATABASE  1

# Uncomment and edit if needed
#Variable  SQLUSER  foo
#Variable  SQLPASS  bar

# The table defs are in separate files in the dbconf/pgsql directory,
# the ones kept in DBM are in TABLENAME.dbm files.

#include dbconf/pgsql/*


##### Oracle
#ifdef ORACLE

Message Using Oracle, DSN=3D__SQLDSN__.

# Tell the default DBM we are using something else...
Variable  SOME_DATABASE  1

# Oracle considers 'session', 'size', and 'comment' to be reserved
# words. Since we use those as column names, attach this arbitrary
# string to the end of each word to make it acceptable to Oracle.
# Note that this must be defined before the #include below.
Variable  FIELDMUNGE =20

# Uncomment and edit if needed
#Variable  SQLUSER  foo
#Variable  SQLPASS  bar

# The table defs are in separate files in the dbconf/oracle directory,
# the ones kept in DBM are in TABLENAME.dbm files.

#include dbconf/oracle/*


##### Default DBM if nothing else defined

# The table defs are in separate files in the dbconf/dbm directory.

Message Using default DBM database.
#include dbconf/default_db/*


ProductFiles   products

########                end database setup               #######

AlwaysSecure         ord/checkout multi/checkout
AsciiTrack           logs/tracking.asc

########                   Pricing setup                 #######
########                                                 #######
########  In the construct demo, if the user is logged   #######
########  in and is marked as a "dealer" (1 in the       #######
########  dealer field in the userdb database) then      #######
########  they are given quantity discounts based on     #######
########  price groups. (All products except gift_cert   #######
########  are in price group 1 as distributed.) If       #######
########  the quantity is 1, then pricing comes from     #######
########  the "wholesale" field in the products          #######
########  database.                                      #######
########                                                 #######
########  If the user is not a dealer (or not logged in) #######
########  then pricing just comes from "price".          #######
########                                                 #######
########  There is an Autoload routine that determines   #######
########  the dealer status and changes the PriceField   #######
########  definition if they are.                        #######
########                                                 #######
########  The "gift_cert" AutoModifier allows special    #######
########  receipt, basket, and checkout display handling #######
########  for items defined as a gift_cert.              #######
########                                                 #######

PriceField     price

CommonAdjust   pricing:price_group,q5,q10: ;:wholesale ;$
AutoModifier   pricing:price_group
AutoModifier   products:gift_cert

UserDB         default    scratch    dealer

Autoload <<EOR
    if($Scratch->{dealer}) {
            $Config->{PriceField} =3D 'no_price';

########                                                 #######

## Set this to No if you don't want auto-login capability for users
CookieLogin  Yes

# This sets up the new payment charge mode in Interchange 4
# You set it to "custom name", where name is the name of a GlobalSub
# that performs the charge operation. If it is not "custom", then
# it will use the CyberCash routines.
# "minivend_test" is special, and the demo order profile
# works with the demo order form to test
#Variable  MV_PAYMENT_MODE   minivend_test

# Uncomment to use creditCardAuto if you want, now handled better in
# order profiles with "&credit_card=3Dstandard".
#CreditCardAuto      Yes

# These are usually all you need for CyberCash 3
# Uncomment and edit to suit; make sure you remove CreditCardAuto =
#Variable         CYBER_CONFIGFILE    =
#Variable         CYBER_VERSION       3.2
#Variable         CYBER_MODE          mauthonly

Variable         MV_PAYMENT_MODE     mauthonly
CreditCardAuto   No

EncryptProgram   __ENCRYPTOR__
EncryptKey       __PGP_KEY__

# Uncomment only if you have these locales on your system
#Locale          de_DE
#Locale          de_DE LC_CTYPE de_DE
#Locale          fr_FR
#Locale          en_US

Locale          en_US LC_CTYPE C
LocaleDatabase  locale

Onfly           onfly
OrderCounter    etc/order.number
OrderLineLimit  25
OrderProfile    etc/profiles.order etc/profiles.login etc/profiles.misc

# This makes CommonAdjust effective, since no_price doesn't exist
ReadPermission  group
RobotLimit       50

# Here we override Interchange's normal order routine
ActionMap  order   <<EOR
sub {
	#Log('in order action');
	if($CGI->{mv_nextpage} ne 'order') {
		# Do nothing
	elsif($Values->{no_basket}) {
		$CGI->{mv_nextpage} =3D 'ord/nobasket';
	else {
		$CGI->{mv_nextpage} =3D 'ord/basket';
	$CGI->{mv_order_item} =3D $CGI->{mv_arg}
		if ! $CGI->{mv_order_item};
	return 1;

ActionMap  deliver   <<EOR
sub {
	my $deliverable =3D shift;
	$Scratch->{deliverable} =3D $CGI->{mv_arg};
	$CGI->{mv_nextpage} =3D 'deliver';
	return 1;

ActionMap  get_password   <<EOR
sub {
	$Config->{NoSearch} =3D '';
	$CGI->{mv_nextpage} =3D $CGI->{mv_search_page} =3D =
	$CGI->{mv_todo} =3D 'search';

ParseVariables Yes
Route log         attach          0
Route log         cybermode       ""
Route log         empty           1
Route log         encrypt         0
Route log         increment       0
Route log         report          etc/log_transaction
Route log         supplant        0
Route log         track           logs/log

Route log_entry   attach          0
Route log_entry   cybermode       ""
Route log_entry   empty           1
Route log_entry   encrypt         0
Route log_entry   increment       0
Route log_entry   report          etc/log_entry
Route log_entry   supplant        0
Route log_entry   track           logs/log

Route copy_user   attach          0
Route copy_user   cybermode       ""
Route copy_user   empty           1
Route copy_user   encrypt         0
Route copy_user   increment       0
Route copy_user   report          etc/mail_receipt
Route copy_user   supplant        0
Route copy_user   track           logs/log

# Main route must be last to make default
Route main        attach           0
Route main        credit_card      0
Route main        cybermode        ""
Route main        default          1
Route main        email            '__ORDERS_TO__'
Route main        encrypt          1
Route main        errors_to        '__ORDERS_TO__'
Route main        increment        0
Route main        pgp_cc_key       '__PGP_KEY__'
Route main        pgp_key          '__PGP_KEY__'
Route main        receipt          etc/receipt.html
Route main        report           etc/report
Route main        supplant         1
Route main        individual_track orders
Route main        track            logs/tracking.asc

# Order routes can be maintained in a database, empty in demo
RouteDatabase    route

SalesTax         __TAXFIELD__
FractionalItems  Yes
SeparateItems    Yes=20

SpecialPage          catalog        index
SpecialPage          report         ../etc/report
SpecialPage          receipt        ../etc/receipt

NoCache              admin config multi ord query reconfig special

Static        __CATALOG_STATIC__
StaticLogged  __LOGGED_STATIC__
StaticAll     Yes
StaticDBM     static
StaticDepth   2
StaticDir     __SAMPLEHTML__/pages
StaticFly     Yes
StaticPath    __SAMPLEURL__/pages
TaxShipping   __TAXSHIPPING__


UpsZoneFile   products/554.csv
UseModifier   size color

History 10
UserTag history-scan Order find exclude default
UserTag history-scan addAttr
UserTag history-scan Routine <<EOR
my %var_exclude =3D ( qw/
	mv_credit_card_number 1
	mv_pc                 1
	mv_session_id         1
sub {
	my ($find, $exclude, $default) =3D @_;
	my $ref =3D $Vend::Session->{History}
		or return $Tag->area($default || $Config->{SpecialPage}{catalog});
	my ($hist, $href, $cgi);
	$exclude =3D qr/$exclude/ if $exclude;
	for(my $i =3D $#$ref; $i >=3D 0; $i--) {
		#Log("checking $ref->[$i][0] for $exclude");
		if ($exclude and $ref->[$i][0] =3D~ $exclude) {
		if($find) {
			next unless $ref->[$i][0] =3D~ /$find/;
		($href, $cgi) =3D @{$ref->[$i]};
	return $Tag->area($default || $Config->{SpecialPage}{catalog})
		if ! $href;
	my $form =3D '';
	for(grep !$var_exclude{$_}, keys %$cgi) {
		$form .=3D "\n$_=3D";
		$form .=3D join("\n$_=3D", split /\0/, $cgi->{$_});
	return $Tag->area( { href =3D> $href, form =3D> $form} );

WritePermission group

# Here you can set up fatal errors if a necessary sub or usertag
# doesn't exist, uncomment one of next lines to test
#Require globalsub   nevairbe
#Require usertag   nevairbe

Require usertag   email
Require usertag   email_raw
Require usertag   var
Require usertag   loc
Require usertag   summary
Require usertag   button
