[ic] Shipping - Uses UPS Zone Cart to Create Hundred Weight Pricing.

Ben Weinberg interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Mon Oct 15 18:06:01 2001

I have a questions about setting up Interchange to calculate Hundred weight pricing. I have figured out one possible way to almost do it. I would like some assistance if there is a better way or if I am even on the right track.

Currently, I have set up the shipping.asc file to calculate with ups's weight and zone charge for 1-150 lbs. For shipments over 150, I am currently using Weight[value state] to calculate by what state someone is. Is there some way to calculate Weight[value (ups zone)] or is there some better way?

Here is what my shipping.asc looks like:

upsg	UPS Ground	weight [value state]	0	0	e Nothing to ship!		{'ui_ship_type' => "UPSI",'zone' => "450",'table' => "Ground",'ups' => "1",'adder' => "2",'geo' => "zip",}
upsg	UPS Ground		0	150	u Ground [value name=zip filter=digits default=45056]		{}
upsg	UPS Ground	CA NV	151	200	f (@@TOTAL@@ * .15)
upsg	UPS Ground		151	200	f (@@TOTAL@@ * .25)
upsg	UPS Ground		200	999999	e @@TOTAL@@ lbs too heavy for UPS		{}

Any help is much appreciated.

Ben Weinberg