[ic] downloading a file that has values passed to it

Rene Hertell interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Tue Oct 23 16:19:00 2001

> Here is what I'm trying to do....
> >From behind the UI I've added a link on the customer_view page the
> properties are
> [calc]
> $Scratch->{mv_deliver} .= 'backup/vcard.vcf';
>  return;
> [/calc]
> with
> [page href="ui/backup/vcard.vcf"
>  form="
>   customer=[cgi customer]
>   mv_data_file=backup/vcard.vcf
>   mv_todo=deliver"
> ]Download vcard file</a>

Hi Andreas,

If I understood you correct, you want that the vcard should be downloaded.
This is what I think is the easiest way:

1) Create a vard.vcf.html page (with this wired extension) and place it in
pages/admin under your catalog page.
2) Add this line to the top of that file: [tag op=header
interpolate=1]Content-Type: text/plain[/tag]
3) create your vcard-layout there
4) make your link to that page mentioned in 1)

My link looks like this:

[set mv_add_dot_html]0[/set]
 [page test/vcard.vcf]Get this vcard[/page]
[set mv_add_dot_html]1[/set]

That's it. You can try it yourself at
