[ic] using Usertag table-organize example displays nothing

Curt Hauge interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Tue Oct 23 22:56:01 2001

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Thanks for your response, Jonathan! (kinda long) I'm going bald here...

Quoting Jonathan Clark:
> Firstly, what do you see in the page? If you see [table-organize] on the
> page, interchange is not treating it as a valid usertag.

This basic code:

[include templates/regions/top]
[include templates/regions/left]
<!-- this is where the table should be -->
[loop list="1 2 3 1a 2a 3a 1b"] <td> [loop-code] </td> [/loop]
[include templates/regions/bottom]

Produces this (no ouput to page):

<title>The Interchange Test Catalog</title>
<div align=center>
<table width="80%" border cellpadding=15>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><h1>The Interchange Test

<td align=center>(left)</td>
<td align=center>

<!-- this is where the table should be -->


<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>(bottom)</td></tr>

This is basicly the example in the documentation, shown below. It does not
show the [table-organize] code or even <table> code, just blank space where
the table should be. It seems to parse the code, but outputs nothing. The
rest of the page output is fine.

> If you have a valid usertag file in the correct location, and restart ic,
> you don't need a reference in the interchange.cfg as well.

OK, I removed all table_organize references in interchange.cfg and I put the
usertag table_organize in /usr/lib/interchange/usertag, and restarted IC.

> Lets make sure ic is has the usertag compiled in before continuing... then
> pls provide the complete code for the use of the tag

Usage is below, I also attached the full tag routine:

UserTag table-organize Documentation <<EOD

=head2 table-organize

 usage: [table-organize <options>]
            [loop ....] <td> [loop-tags] </td> [/loop]

Takes an unorganized set of table cells and organizes them into
rows based on the number of columns; it will also break them into
separate tables.

If the number of cells are not on an even modulus of the number of columns,
then "filler" cells are pushed on.


=over 4

=item cols (or columns)

Number of columns. This argument defaults to 2 if not present.

=item rows

Optional number of rows. Implies "table" parameter.

=item table

If present, will cause a surrounding <TABLE > </TABLE> pair with the
specified in this option.

=item caption

Table <CAPTION> container text, if any. Can be an array.

=item td

Attributes for table cells. Can be an array.

=item tr

Attributes for table rows. Can be an array.

=item pretty

Adds newline and tab characters to provide some reasonable indenting.

=item filler

Contents to place in empty cells put on as filler. Defaults to C<&nbsp;>.

=item limit

Maximum number of cells to use. Truncates extra cells silently.


The C<tr>, C<td>, and C<caption> attributes can be specified with indexes;
if they are, then they will alternate according to the modulus.

The C<td> option array size should probably always equal the number of
if it is bigger, then trailing elements are ignored. If it is smaller, no
is used.

For example, to produce a table that 1) alternates rows with background
colors C<#EEEEEE> and C<#FFFFFF>, and 2) aligns the columns RIGHT CENTER
LEFT, do:

            [loop list="1 2 3 1a 2a 3a 1b"] <td> [loop-code] </td> [/loop]

which will produce:

        <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
                <td align=right>1</td>
                <td align=center>2</td>
                <td align=left>3</td>
        <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                <td align=right>1a</td>
                <td align=center>2a</td>
                <td align=left>3a</td>
        <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
                <td align=right>1b</td>
                <td align=center>&nbsp;</td>
                <td align=left>&nbsp;</td>

See the source for more ideas on how to extend this tag.


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UserTag table-organize Documentation <<EOD

=3Dhead2 table-organize

 usage: [table-organize <options>]
            [loop ....] <td> [loop-tags] </td> [/loop]

Takes an unorganized set of table cells and organizes them into
rows based on the number of columns; it will also break them into
separate tables.

If the number of cells are not on an even modulus of the number of =
then "filler" cells are pushed on.


=3Dover 4

=3Ditem cols (or columns)

Number of columns. This argument defaults to 2 if not present.

=3Ditem rows

Optional number of rows. Implies "table" parameter.

=3Ditem table

If present, will cause a surrounding <TABLE > </TABLE> pair with the =
specified in this option.

=3Ditem caption

Table <CAPTION> container text, if any. Can be an array.

=3Ditem td

Attributes for table cells. Can be an array.

=3Ditem tr

Attributes for table rows. Can be an array.

=3Ditem pretty

Adds newline and tab characters to provide some reasonable indenting.

=3Ditem filler

Contents to place in empty cells put on as filler. Defaults to =

=3Ditem limit

Maximum number of cells to use. Truncates extra cells silently.


The C<tr>, C<td>, and C<caption> attributes can be specified with =
if they are, then they will alternate according to the modulus.

The C<td> option array size should probably always equal the number of =
if it is bigger, then trailing elements are ignored. If it is smaller, =
no attribute
is used.

For example, to produce a table that 1) alternates rows with background
colors C<#EEEEEE> and C<#FFFFFF>, and 2) aligns the columns RIGHT CENTER
LEFT, do:

            [loop list=3D"1 2 3 1a 2a 3a 1b"] <td> [loop-code] </td> =

which will produce:

        <tr bgcolor=3D"#EEEEEE">
                <td align=3Dright>1</td>
                <td align=3Dcenter>2</td>
                <td align=3Dleft>3</td>
        <tr bgcolor=3D"#FFFFFF">
                <td align=3Dright>1a</td>
                <td align=3Dcenter>2a</td>
                <td align=3Dleft>3a</td>
        <tr bgcolor=3D"#EEEEEE">
                <td align=3Dright>1b</td>
                <td align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;</td>
                <td align=3Dleft>&nbsp;</td>

See the source for more ideas on how to extend this tag.


UserTag table-organize Order cols
UserTag table-organize attrAlias columns cols
UserTag table-organize Interpolate
UserTag table-organize addAttr
UserTag table-organize hasEndTag
UserTag table-organize Routine <<EOR
sub {
	my ($cols, $opt, $body) =3D @_;
	$cols =3D int($cols) || 2;
	$body =3D~ s/(.*?)(<td)\b/$2/is;
	my $out =3D $1;
	$body =3D~ s:(</td>)(?!.*</td>)(.*):$1:is;
	my $postamble =3D $2;

	my @cells;
	push @cells, $1 while $body =3D~ s:(<td\b.*?</td>)::is;

	if(int($opt->{limit}) and $opt->{limit} < scalar(@cells) ) {
		splice(@cells, $opt->{limit});

	for(qw/ table/) {
		$opt->{$_} =3D defined $opt->{$_} ? " $opt->{$_}" : '';

	my @td;

	if(! $opt->{td}) {
		@td =3D '' x $cols;
	elsif (ref $opt->{td} ) {
		@td =3D @{$opt->{td}};
		push @td, '' while scalar(@td) < $cols;
	else {
		@td =3D " $opt->{td}" x $cols;

	my %attr;
	for(qw/caption tr/) {
		if( ! $opt->{$_} ) {
			#do nothing
		elsif (ref $opt->{$_}) {
			$attr{$_} =3D $opt->{$_};
		else {
			$attr{$_} =3D [$opt->{$_}];

	my $pretty =3D $opt->{pretty};

	$opt->{td} =3D~ s/^(\S)/ $1/;
	$opt->{tr} =3D~ s/^(\S)/ $1/;

	my @rest;
	my $rows;

	my $rmod;
	my $tmod =3D 0;
	my $total_mod;

	$opt->{filler} =3D '&nbsp;' if ! defined $opt->{filler};

	if($rows =3D int($opt->{rows}) ) {
		$total_mod =3D $rows * $cols;
		@rest =3D splice(@cells, $total_mod)
			if $total_mod < @cells;
		$opt->{table} =3D ' ' if ! $opt->{table};

	my $joiner =3D $pretty ? "\n\t\t" : "";
	while(@cells) {
		while (scalar(@cells) % $cols) {
			push @cells, "<td>$opt->{filler}</td>";

		#$out .=3D "<!-- starting table tmod=3D$tmod -->";
		if($opt->{table}) {
			$out .=3D "<table$opt->{table}>";
			$out .=3D "\n" if $pretty;
			if($opt->{caption}) {
				my $idx =3D $tmod % scalar(@{$attr{caption}});
				#$out .=3D "<!-- caption index $idx -->";
				$out .=3D "\n" if $pretty;
				$out .=3D "<CAPTION>" . $attr{caption}[$idx] . "</CAPTION>";
				$out .=3D "\n" if $pretty;
		$rmod =3D 0;
		while(@cells) {
			$out .=3D "\t" if $pretty;
			$out .=3D "<tr";
			if($opt->{tr}) {
				my $idx =3D $rmod % scalar(@{$attr{tr}});
				$out .=3D " " . $attr{tr}[$idx];
			$out .=3D ">";
			$out .=3D "\n\t\t" if $pretty;
			my @op =3D  splice (@cells, 0, $cols);
			if($opt->{td}) {
				for ( my $i =3D 0; $i < $cols; $i++) {
					$op[$i] =3D~ s/(<td)/$1 $td[$i]/i;
			$out .=3D join($joiner, @op);
			$out .=3D "\n\t" if $pretty;
			$out .=3D "</tr>";
			$out .=3D "\n" if $pretty;
		if($opt->{table}) {
			$out .=3D "</table>";
			$out .=3D "\n" if $pretty;
		if(@rest) {
			my $num =3D $total_mod < scalar(@rest) ? $total_mod : scalar(@rest);
			@cells =3D splice(@rest, 0, $num);
	return $out . $postamble;
