[ic] selected tag

Götz Verdieck interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Wed Oct 31 03:15:01 2001

> At 02:42 PM 10/30/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>> Götz Verdieck <goetz.verdieck@com4office.de> writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think with my problem I'm back to the roots, but I can not solve it!
>>> Every time the first entry (AK) will be shown up in the option list,
>> even if
>>> I select AL !
>>> <SELECT NAME="state" onChange="this.form.submit()">
>>>             <OPTION VALUE="AK" [selected state AK]>AK
>>>             <OPTION VALUE="AL" [selected state AL]>AL
>>>            </SELECT>
>>> What am I doing wrong ?
>>> I looked in the mail archive, but it seems that everybody uses the
>>> selected tag with no problem.
>>> I'm working on a mac. Is this a part of the problem ?
>> Should work. What shows the HTML code. What is your form action ?
>> BTW: You can leave out the value.
>> Ciao
>>         Racke
> It sounds like the value of state is not being set on form submission. Put
> [value state] in a visible spot on the page, then change the state
> selection - does the value of [value state] match your choice when the page
> reloads?
> - Ed L.


that was exactly the point, thanks !

Best regards

Goetz Verdieck
