[ic] CyberCash 3.3.1 and Interchange 4.8.3

Paul Hoza interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Thu Apr 4 16:10:00 2002

At 02:04 PM 4/4/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> > I have the RedHat RPM install of Interchange 4.8.3 and the 3.3.1 
> version of
> > the CyberCash MCK (RedHat Linux v6.2 download was the closest available
> > version to my RedHat 7.1 O.S.) running on a virtual dedicated server.  I'm
> > working on getting CyberCash functionality turned on in IC and have failed
> > so far.
>You do know that Verispam^H^H^H^Hsign has stopped supporting CyberCash?
>That theoretically everyone should have switched to the Signio/Payflow?
>( You might consider Authorizenet, or Skipjack, or BoA. )

Yes, we do know about that, but we currently have a contract that allows us 
to get the much cheaper (than Verisign) services of CyberCash for a bit 
longer... saving money = good.  :)  We can continue to use it for a while, 
so I'm trying that option first.  I will look into the other services.. thanks.

> > The test installation of CC worked great and the "real" merchant install
> > looks good, but I can't seem to find the right documentation to help me
> > over the hump to enable CC 3.3.1 into IC 4.8.3.  I ran across the post by
> > Mike Heins detailing the installation of CC 3.2.x, but much of the
> > instructions appear irrelevant to the current version of Interchange... 
> for
> > example, the 'CyberCash' directive in 'catalog.cfg' is currently
> > obsolete.  Additionally, none of the modules listed in his explanation are
> > apparently installed as a part of my MCK setup... unless I just can't find
> > them, which seems unlikely.
>You need a less recent version of the CyberCash modules. I cannot
>distribute them, but someone else might send you a copy.

If anyone would be willing to fire older modules off, or provide a link, I 
would be very appreciative.  I am running Red Hat Linux 7.1, if that matters.

>All that should be required is to install the modules in the proper
>place (usually INTERCHANGE_ROOT/lib) and put "Require 
>in interchange.cfg.

Just to be clear:  since IC 4.8.3 doesn't recognize the "CyberCash" 
directive in catalog.cfg, is there anything else that needs to go in 
there?  I just want to make sure that the only line of code needed is the 
one listed above in the interchange.cfg file.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

Paul Hoza