[ic] image manipulation in IC and IE

Ryan Hertz interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Tue Apr 23 19:26:01 2002

At 06:46 PM 4/23/02 -0400, Aaron Hazelton wrote:
>Hope no one thinks this is off list, but its an issue only occuring with

Probably.  Yes.

>I have created a layout in a table with some <td>'s containing only in
>image with size="" specified, for formatting the layout.  My design
>looks perfect in all browsers offline, when I put it into IC templates,
>the table cells are still larger than the image in IE, but Opera still
>looks great.
>Anybody else had this problem? Correction?

Breaks only when in IC and then only when displayed with IE?

It's probably related to carriage returns/line feeds or whatever.  Look at 
the difference in the source in your draft and then in the IC 
pages.  Chances are there is an ICML tag(s) that leaves a return somewhere 
in the cell that causes it display differently than expected.