[ic] admin lay-out large productfields

Luc interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Fri Dec 6 07:05:01 2002


Using admin-version 4.9.3.

When I am editing a product I use the field comb_category (pulldown menu)
to select the right menulevels. Because the comb_category text is quitte
I changed the fieldmeta width=150

Lay-out problem: at the same level first is shown the large comb_category
textbox (150)
and after the textbox the comb_category pulldownbox (150)
If you want to see the comb_category-pulldownbox you must scroll to the
I want to show the textbox above the pulldownbox and not at the same level.

I have the same question for the help text. When I have a large productfield
I want to
show the help text above or under the field instead of the right.

Thanks for any help!
