[ic] instant affiliate reporting?

Michael Goldfarb interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Dec 11 09:12:01 2002

>It appears that by removing the first [if-mm !advanced] blocks from
>trafficstats and orderstats, interchange's reporting system will then
>affiliates to log in and view only their respective traffic and order
>The affiliate group does need to have the "stats" flag.
>I can't find any security issues created by this thusfar.  The user
>has to be able to log into the admin UI.  If the user doesn't have the
>trafficstats or orderstats permissions, the reports adopt the current
>username as the affiliate name, thus generating no report results for
>unauthorized users.
>I am interested in comments, it is possible I am overlooking an issue.

I don't know too much about the specific question that you posed, but if
you are interested in giving site affiliates a login to view their
respective order/traffic reports, you might want to take a look at the
affiliate directory in the pages folder if you have not already.

We have done some pretty cool things with affiliate tracking and
reporting functions allowing site affiliates to login to view their
stats. It might be better to let them access everything through the site
instead of allowing them to login to the admin.

Sorry I couldn't answer your specific question, but thought this
information might help.