[ic] Take out Shipping

Brendan Crosser-McGay interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Thu Dec 12 21:21:01 2002

Hi people, long time no see :)

I am trying to make the shipping component a little bit more intelligent,
and trying to make it detect if a shipping method is returning 0 shipping,
and then not display that shipping method, however no matter what I do, I
cannot make the [if] tag determine how to read [shipping [loop-code]] and
react to it.

This is my code,

	  list=|[data table=country key='[default country US]' col=shipmodes]|
          [seti shiptot][shipping [loop-code]][/seti][scratch shiptot]
          [if scratch shiptot ne "$0.00"]<OPTION VALUE="[loop-code]"
[selected mv_shipmode [loop-code]]>[shipping-desc
          [loop-code]]: [scratch shiptot][/if][seti shiptot][/seti][/loop]

It runs, and it always displays all the shipping methods no matter or not if
they have  zero shipping.

Can anyone tell me how to actually LOOK at what [shipping [loop-code]] is,
and how to analyze it?
Thanks :)
