[ic] softgoods

Mike Heins interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Wed Feb 27 19:05:01 2002

Quoting Paul Jordan (paul@gishnetwork.com):
> Is anyone out the an expert on IC regarding downloadable goods. Our store is
> fully functional, and you can shop, purchase and download goods, (with the
> test CC of course). A friend and I have been talking and he has been saying
> I may want to change my delivery method. He said IC may give you problems
> when multiple people start buying/downloading these .zip files.

This is true. 

If you expect to sell lots of softgoods, the best thing to do is make
your enabling procedure provide a symlinked directory for a separate
HTTP download. 

It can be as simple as:

UserTag enable-download Order resource
UserTag enable-download addAttr
UserTag enable-download Routine <<EOR
sub {
	my ($resource, $opt) = @_;

	my $docroot = $opt->{document_root} || $::Variable->{DOCROOT};
	my $dl_dir  = $opt->{base_dir} || 'tmp_download';
	my $server  = $opt->{server}   || $::Variable->{SERVER_NAME};

	## Routine comes from Vend::Util
	## We will use session ID, but this would make totally random
	#my $random = random_string();

	my $random = $Vend::Session->{id};

	require File::Path;

	my $dir = "$docroot/$dl_dir/$random";

	if(-d $dir) {
		# Must have been made previously
	elsif ( File::Path::mkpath($dir) ) {
		## Need to ensure readable for HTTP download
		chmod 0755, $dir;
	else {
		logError("Unable to make user download directory %s", $dir);
		return undef;
	# Routine comes from Vend::Util
	unless ( file_name_is_absolute($resource) ) {
	    $resource = "$Vend::Cfg->{VendRoot}/$resource";

	# Get the base file name
	my $filebase = $resource;
	$filebase =~ s,.*/,,;

	## Now do the symlink
	symlink $resource, "$dir/$filebase"
		or do {
			logError("Unable to symlink %s to %s", $resource, $dir);
			return undef;
	## Return the URL of the now-symlinked resource
	return "http://$server/$dl_dir/$random/$filebase";

This should be accompanied by a cron job which runs every half hour
or so:

	## Wherever that temporary base is
	find $BASEDIR -type l -mmin +60 -exec rm '{}' ';'
	find $BASEDIR -type d -depth -mindepth 1 -empty -exec rmdir '{}' ';'

Red Hat, Inc., 3005 Nichols Rd., Hamilton, OH  45013
phone +1.513.523.7621      <mheins@redhat.com>

I don't want to get to the end of my life and find I have just
lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as
well. -- Diane Ackerman