[ic] Re: mod_rewrite example? Does anyone have an was RE: [ic] Modifying link program and links to get rid of ?s and &'s in URL

Dan Browning interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sun Jul 7 03:21:00 2002

At 11:10 PM 7/6/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm not quite sure what you want done ... if you could give me an example 
>of what you want goes to where, I might be of help.
>I've made mine such that a request for /foundation goes to 
>/cgi-bin/foundation by using the ff:
>RewriteRule    ^/foundation/(.*)    /cgi-bin/foundation/$1    [R,L]
>You could also do Redirect /foundation/    /cgi-bin/foundation/
><- this does pretty much what the RewriteRule does, too.

I would be happy for anyone to give a crack at it.  Here's what we would like:

Request from user:


Apache "Rewrites" the request as:


Additionally, something would have to be done to generate the urls with "/" 

Also, please note:

<interchange-users guidelines>
-- Contextual quoting is preferred, i.e.

                 Quoting user1 (<user1@somedomain.redhat.com>):
                 > Some limited text that will give context.

                 Your reply.


                 Your reply, lazily put at the top.

                 Quoting user1 (<user1@somedomain.redhat.com>):
                 > The whole big blob of the previous posts, including
                 > signatures and all

         In fact, the author of the program stops following a thread
         the moment this lazy quoting method is used. He figures that
         if you can't take half a minute of your time to save multiple
         minutes of the readers time, the heck with ya.
</interchange-users guidelines>

| Dan Browning, Kavod Technologies <db@kavod.com>
Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable.
                 -- Plato