[ic] [shipping]

Steve Graham interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sun Jul 14 22:41:02 2002

>From: Jim Balcom <jim@idk-enterprises.com>
>Reply-To: interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
>To: <interchange-users@icdevgroup.org>
>Subject: RE: [ic] [shipping]
>Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 18:31:24 -0400 (EDT)
>On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, Steve Graham wrote:
>SG>>If [shipping] fails on any of these requests then the information 
>SG>>will be incorrect, even after the place order is clicked. I had this 
>SG>>Saturday night, the information returned from UPS was being very a 
>SG>>unpredictable (on three seperate recalculate clicks I got
>SG>>gndcom,threeday,2day,nextday then clicked recalculate again I just got
>SG>>options fo 2day, and next day) the admin order information showed the
>SG>>correct s&h amount, but the email order sent to me showed a vlaue of 
>SG>>We have received many orders since launching the website a few months 
>SG>>so the only problem I can attibute this too is the constant calling of
>SG>>Maybe I need to adjust the time-out delay for information returned from
>SG>>Business::UPS  -  Would this help?
>Are you unable to use look-up tables on your own server?
>-= Jim =-

Hi Jim,

I suppose I can, but I was trying to make as few changes to the foundation 
(4.8.5) structure as possible, and currently everytime [shipping] is called 
it fetches the results directly from UPS -- it should only call UPS once, or 
twice then pull the values from the session variables.

Is there a way for [shipping] to check the local tables if a value comes 
back zero from UPS?


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