[ic] toggling tree loses content components

Matthew T. Snyder interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Thu Jun 6 14:45:59 2002

All right, I'm stuck.  Running ic 4.8.5 on RH 7.2 with MySQL 3.23.41.

I created a tree using Mike's example in

Even after some modification for table differences, it works great.
However, I noticed that when I expand or collapse a branch in the tree, the
displayed page loses content components - for example, anything listed in
Component 4 or Component 5 in the UI Page Edit.  I think the problem I'm
having is @@MV_PAGE@@, but I'm not exactly sure how to correct it, or if it
can be corrected.  I tried changing @@MV_PAGE@@ to the page name itself -
this still displays the tree right, but I'm still losing the component,
which is a quicklinks menu for logged-in users.  I get the feeling I'm
missing something simple but important.  I spent a couple hours going
through the archives searching under 'tree', but I'm not any closer to
groping my way around this one.  A good kick in the right direction would be
appreciated.  Code follows.

<table width="100% cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    <td align="center"><a href="sp=pfinventory.html" target=_blank>Printer
friendly version</a></td>

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
    <td class="secthead" align="left">Inventory</td>
    <table align="left" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
    [tree   start=TOP
	[if-item-param mv_level]
					return '&nbsp' x [item-param mv_spacing];
	[if-item-param mv_children]
		<A HREF="[area href=@@MV_PAGE@@ form='toggle=[item-param code]']">
		[item-calc] $Scratch->{memo}{'[item-code]'} ? '-' : '+' [/item-calc]
		[item-param inv_group]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        [if-item-param quan]
          x&nbsp;&nbsp;[item-param quan]