[ic] Problems with variable in Detaild Fielt using Item Editor

Ulf Holt interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sun Jun 16 04:24:03 2002

I am working on a web-shop for a friend of mine, and have problems using variables defined in catalog.cfg. 

I have defined two variables

PRODUCTS which points to a temporary web server where some products are stored
FAKTA which points to another URL at the same temporary WEB-server.

I use this information in the detailed description fileld in the Item Editor. Works OK for most of the products,
but not for all.

In the detalied description I put in following information:

<a href=__PRODUKT__opi.asp?id=narkotest><b>Mer&nbsp;opplysninger</b></a>
href=__FAKTA__heroin.asp><b>Fakta om Opiater / Heroin</a></b>

Problem is that if I try to click on the link, I will get an errormessage like this:

Sorry, the page (http://www.mittbryllup.no/www/amina/produkter/narkotest/bar.asp) was not found 
If I type in the URL then the page opens. 
The address at the web-browser is displayed like this: http://www.onsite-data.no/cgi-bin/meditest/__PRODUKTER__bar.asp?id=narkotest#
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong?
Best regards

Ulf Holt