[ic] HELP !! Problem with "[history-scan%20exclude=nothing]"

Joachim Leidinger interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Tue Mar 19 04:02:01 2002

"J. Pla" wrote:
> My old file in the results page was below  because i changed by the email
> that one user of this list say that could be the problem
> [bounce HREF='[history-scan find="scan/" default=index]']
> Now is  [bounce href="[history-scan exclude=nothing]"]
 > But now the error is
> Sorry, the page (nothing) was not found

Well duh! Make a test to get more infos and hints, why you have trouble
with the usertag history-scan.

Add some lines for test like

TEST1:[history-scan exclude=nothing]<BR>
TEST2:<A HREF="[history-scan exclude=nothing]">TEST2</A><BR>
TEST3:[tmp scanhistory][history-scan exclude=nothing][/tmp][scratch
TEST4:<A HREF="[scratch scanhistory]">TEST4</A>

I've added this into the demo shop "foundation" and it works. Test it
with the simple pages like aboutus, index, etc. first. At the test, I


in my Browser. Which version and type of Browser did you have? Did you
try it with another browser?

> My error.log
> /~ferranfe/cgi-bin/cart.cgi/process.html Order profile mail_order not found
> zUMSQytH: - [18/March/2002:16:38:21 -0500]
> How can i configure my order.profile ?

# grep -r "mail\_order" *
etc/profiles.order:189:__NAME__                            mail_order
pages/ord/checkout.html:767:      <input type=hidden
name=mv_order_profile value=mail_order>
pages/ord/checkout.html:777:    <input type=hidden name=mv_order_profile

Did you use any kind of tools to search for any keyword first?
Did you search in the mail archivs for any hints or help? For example:

- Searching for "profile order"
- the 6th URL with


give you more hint.

> My catalog.cfg is
Please...post only the important part

> # Deal with customer click history. For example, after adding an item to
> # the cart, the user can return to a specific search results page.
> History 10
> UserTag history-scan Order find exclude default
> UserTag history-scan addAttr
> UserTag history-scan Routine <<EOR
> my %var_exclude = ( qw/
>         mv_credit_card_number 1
>         mv_pc                 1
>         mv_session_id         1
> /);
> sub {
>         my ($find, $exclude, $default) = @_;
>         my $ref = $Vend::Session->{History}
>                 or return $Tag->area($default ||
> $Config->{SpecialPage}{catalog});
>         my ($hist, $href, $cgi);
>         $exclude = qr/$exclude/ if $exclude;
>         for(my $i = $#$ref; $i >= 0; $i--) {
>                 #Log("checking $ref->[$i][0] for $exclude");
>                 next if $ref->[$i][0] eq 'expired';
>                 if ($exclude and $ref->[$i][0] =~ $exclude) {
>                         next;
>                 }
>                 if($find) {
>                         next unless $ref->[$i][0] =~ /$find/;
>                 }
>                 ($href, $cgi) = @{$ref->[$i]};
>                 last;
>         }
>         return $Tag->area($default || $Config->{SpecialPage}{catalog})
>                 if ! $href;
>         my $form = '';
>         for(grep !$var_exclude{$_}, keys %$cgi) {
>                 $form .= "\n$_=";
>                 $form .= join("\n$_=", split /\0/, $cgi->{$_});
>         }
>         return $Tag->area( { href => $href, form => $form} );
> }


Hans-Joachim Leidinger | Dipl.-Phys.Ing. Entwicklung eCommerce
Black Point Arts Internet Solutions GmbH