PREFIX-change valid values was ([ic] sort option)

Paul Jordan
Sun May 26 22:29:01 2002

> > However, I am having one last issue in the conversion. This
> query finds all
> > trips in a given year - no problem. I have been trying to
> figure out how to
> > do an [sql-change] on the just the month porion of the date: yyyy-mm-dd
> >
> >     [query
> >         type=list
> >         st=sql
> >         sql="
> >             SELECT  *
> >             FROM    products
> >             WHERE   date LIKE '[if !cgi mv_arg]2002[else][cgi
> > mv_arg][/else][/if]%'
> >             AND     searched BETWEEN '1' AND '2'
> >             ORDER BY date
> >         "]
> >
> > [sql-change 1][condition]
> >
> > [calc]
> > my $date = q{[sql-param date]};
> > my $month = substr($date,5,2);
> > return $month;
> > [/calc]
> >
> > [/condition]
> >
> > ......code...... [/sql-change 1]
> >
> > This calc, and many other hacks, have not been successful. Any
> hints guys?
> >
> Surround your [sql-*] tag set with [list] ... [/list], as you have
> specified "type=list" mode.
> You should also change your [calc] to [sql-calc] and the same for the
> calc's end-tag.
> One other minor thing.  You should try to select the columns you need
> rather than "select *".  Just a good habit to get in to.

Thanks Kevin!

I open up my options with * when I am trying to get something to work :)

I don't think what I want to do will be possible. I have been experimenting
with date_convert and trying all sorts of (sorts). I found this in the docs:

"The repeating value must be a tag interpolated in the search process, such
as [item-field field] or [item-data database field]. "

I am not sure how stringent this statement actually is, but it seems pretty

I can output a value by date_convert OR my [sql-calc] method above, to be
consistent with how I want to sort. But it will not accept it. I can sort by
any field, but not a munged value from a field. (I am sorting my the MONTH
ONLY from => yyyy-mm-dd)

I don't know what to do now, less an additional column just for sorting.
date_convert... same story, it does an accurate conversion but I believe it
is just for "output" and is not considered (by PREFIX-change) to be a valid
value for it's operation.

Please, if anybody has forced [PREFIX-change] to activate off a known
working sequence, without it being an actual field in a table, PLEASE let me

HAND  :)
