[ic] Re: CommonAdjust calculated price

Daniel A. Shockley interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sat Nov 9 00:24:00 2002

>  > I can see how to have CommonAdjust lookup a static price for an Option,
>>  but the price is based on the LENGTH of what was typed in, not on an
>>  option chosen from a Select popup. I can calculate the additional price
>>  using perl, of course, but how do I get CommonAdjust to see that price?
>CommonAdjust [calc_price]
>where [calc-price] is a UserTag which calculates the price for
>a given item and its quantity, both found in Vend::Interpolate::item.
>Search the archives for a sample implementation of calc_price.
>      Racke

Well, I've worked at this for a while, and I'm getting stuck.

I've got this in my catalog.cfg - I had the same problem with 
[insc_price] in CommonAdjust, as Racke advised:

PriceField      0
CommonAdjust    "& $Tag->insc_price($item->{code}, $item->{quantity}, 

UserTag insc_price Interpolate
UserTag insc_price Order code quantity inscription
UserTag insc_price Routine <<EOR
sub {
   my ($sku, $quantity, $inscription) = @_;

   my $price = $Tag->data( {
         table => 'products',
         field => 'price',  
         key => $sku,

   return $quantity*($price+ $quantity*1.50*length($inscription));

If I put [insc_price code="[item-sku]" quantity="[item-quantity]" 
inscription="[item-modifier inscription]"]  in an HTML page, it 
displays the proper amount in that tag, but it doesn't seem to get 
through to CommonAdjust.

Any evidence of why in the code I posted?

Thank you,
Daniel A. Shockley