Odgovori: Re: [ic] mv_order_route problem..setup?

interchange-users@icdevgroup.org interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sun Nov 17 20:04:00 2002

> When you are on this page Items/Create new item... click on the "Item
> Editor" link on top of the page,
> Under "Fields to edit" you will find all your fields from your products
> table just add the field to the right pane.
> Thank You
> Chaim Klar

Ok after some complications with right ASCII editor I managed to do this (notepad did it wrongly - tab delimited)...

I've set 2 routes: sano and dent ... and I've put this to some products in my list...

And now when I go to checkout I do not get 2 emails - one for order with route set to SANO and another with products for DENT...

This is a copy of catalog.cfg (is there anything else I need to setup ??):

# Cart, order, and route settings.

ParseVariables  Yes

ValuesDefault   country      __SHIP_DEFAULT_COUNTRY__
ValuesDefault   mv_shipmode  __SHIP_DEFAULT_MODE__
DefaultShipping __SHIP_DEFAULT_MODE__

MailOrderTo     __ORDERS_TO__

AlwaysSecure    ord/checkout login change_password

## Set this if you have a different secure server
#AlwaysSecure   order ord/checkout ord/basket login change_password process

PriceField      0
CommonAdjust    :sale_price, ;:price, ;$, ==:options

EncryptKey  __PGP_KEY__

# This prevents a user from setting this value, you may want to unset
# this if you have user-selectable handling charges like insurance
FormIgnore   mv_handling

# Along these lines further, for better integrity and less chance of a 
# user screwing up your order routes:
# Note that __ORDER_ROUTES__ is empty by default, default Route "default"
# is used with cascades
FormIgnore      mv_order_route 

## These routes are not order routes, but payment routes
Route  authorizenet  id           "__AUTHNET_ID__"
Route  authorizenet  secret       "__AUTHNET_SECRET__"
Route  authorizenet  host         "__AUTHNET_HOST__"
Route  authorizenet  referer      "__AUTHNET_REFERER__"

Route  cybercash     configfile   "__CYBER_CONFIGFILE__"

Route  itransact     id           "__ITRANSACT_ID__"

Route  signio        id           "__SIGNIO_ID__"
Route  signio        secret       "__SIGNIO_SECRET__"
Route  signio        partner      "__SIGNIO_PARTNER__"
Route  signio        vendor       "__SIGNIO_VENDOR__"
Route  signio        host         "__SIGNIO_SERVER__"

Route  skipjack      id           "__SKIPJACK_ID__"
Route  skipjack      partner      "__SKIPJACK_PARTNER__"

## This route places the order entry in the database. If you don't
## have an inventory table (or a userdb table for that matter) make
## sure you remove it from the list of "transactions" tables.

Route log  <<EOF
        empty        1
        encrypt      0
        increment    0
        report       etc/log_transaction
        supplant     0
        track        logs/log

## This route places the order entry in the database when you are
## entering an order from the admin. See above.
Route log_entry  <<EOF
        empty        1
        encrypt      0
        report       etc/log_entry
        supplant     0
        track        logs/log

Route log       transactions '__TRANSACTION_TABLES__'
Route log_entry transactions '__TRANSACTION_TABLES__'

## This route copies the user if they requested that. We don't
## care (much) if it fails, so error_ok is set and failure will
## not cause the order to fail
Route copy_user  <<EOF
        empty        1
        error_ok     1
        encrypt      0
        increment    0
        report       etc/mail_receipt
        supplant     0
        track        logs/log

ParseVariables Yes
## This route emails the order to you unless email is set to "",
## and failsafe-logs the order report a couple of places
Route main  <<EOF
        attach            0
        credit_card       1
        default           1
        email             '__ORDERS_TO__'
        encrypt           0
        errors_to         '__ORDERS_TO__'
        pgp_cc_key        "__PGP_KEY__"
        pgp_key           "__PGP_KEY__"
        receipt           etc/receipt.html
        report            etc/report
        supplant          1
        individual_track  orders
        track             logs/tracking.asc

# Order routes can be maintained in a database
RouteDatabase   route

# Default route is run if no routes set, this should be last Route
# always
#Route   default   master          1
#Route   default   cascade         "log main copy_user"
#Route   default   empty           1
#Route   default   supplant        1
#Route   default   email           '__ORDERS_TO__'

AutoModifier	mv_order_route

Route  sano  email           sano@visitingworld.com
Route  sano  reply           sano@visitingworld.com
Route  sano  encrypt         0
Route  sano  report          etc/report_mail

Route  dent  email           dent@visitingworld.com
Route  dent  reply           dent@visitingworld.com
Route  dent  encrypt         0
Route  dent  report          etc/report_mail

## Uncomment this if you want Routes read dynamically from DB
#Route   default   dynamic_routes  1
## Uncomment this if you want ITL allowed in routes
#Route   default   expandable      1

SalesTax        __TAXFIELD__
TaxShipping     __TAXSHIPPING__
SeparateItems   Yes

OrderCounter    etc/order.number
OrderLineLimit  200
OrderProfile    etc/profiles.order etc/profiles.login etc/profiles.misc


So what else do I have to set up? (I addes mv_order_route to products.txt, I added fields in Items editor and put above routes in CATALOG.CFG.. anything I forgot??)

Many thanks!