[ic] rewite rules killed images

Ton Verhagen interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sat Sep 21 16:41:01 2002

At 03:32 PM 9/21/02 -0400, you wrote:
>I tried using the rewrite rules which I found on the archives (see below). 
>It worked well, but all of my images were gone. Does anyone know why 
>offhand? I'm new at this rewrite stuff.
>><VirtualHost my.virtual.ip.address>
>>     # standard virtual domain stuff goes here
>>     ...
>>     # set directory path to the cgi-bin directory for this domain
>>     # (in this case, it's the same as the system cgi-bin directory
>>     ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"
>>     # rewrite external URLs to internal pathnames
>>     # Note that the [PT] (Pass Thru) flag is used to let the
>>     # /cgi-bin/ part of the replacement string to be evaluated by
>>     # by the ScriptAlias rule. Alternatively, we could just put
>>     # the complete directory path in there, but the former is
>>     # more portable.
>>     RewriteEngine On
>>     # comment out the next two rewrite rules if you want to have
>>     # a splash page prior to going to the home page for this catalog
>>     # matches on http://myhost.com
>>     RewriteRule ^$              /cgi-bin/store/index.html        [PT,L]
>>     # matches on http://myhost.com/
>>     RewriteRule ^/$             /cgi-bin/store/index.html        [PT,L]
>>     # don't change URLs like http://myhost.com/cgi-bin/store/*
>>     RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/store/.*       -                       [PT,L]
>>     # default rule change http://myhost.com/somepage to
>>     # /cgi-bin/store/somepage
>>     RewriteRule ^/(.*)          /cgi-bin/store/$1                [PT,L]

Try this:

<VirtualHost 123.456.789.0>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@somedomain.com
         DocumentRoot /path/to/html/root
         ServerName somedomain.com
         ErrorLog logs/somedomain_error_log
         CustomLog logs/somedomain_access_log common
         CustomLog logs/somedomain_agent_log agent
         CustomLog logs/somedomain_referer_log referer
         ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/path/to/cgi-bin/"
         RewriteEngine On
         RewriteRule ^$ /cgi-bin/vlink/index.html [PT,L]
         RewriteRule ^/$ /cgi-bin/vlink/index.html [PT,L]
         RewriteRule ^/index\.html$ /cgi-bin/vlink/index.html [PT,L]
         RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/vlink/.* - [PT,L]
         RewriteRule ^/.*images/.* - [PT,L]
         RewriteRule ^/(.*) /cgi-bin/vlink/$1 [PT,L]

Good luck!

Best regards,


Alamerce Nederland --- Cornerstone of eBusiness
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