[ic] IC Segmentation fault - HELP!

Marty Tennison interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Tue Apr 1 13:06:00 2003

On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 08:47, McTees wrote:

> I can access the database from mySQL without any problems.


> Configuring catalog store...Using MySQL, 
> DSN=dbi:mysql:mc_store...Segmentation fault


Accessing Mysql from command line is different from accessing it through

You'll probably want to write a perl script and test your dbi/DBD
installation.  Something like...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;

$dbh = 
DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:prod;mysql_read_default_file=${homedir}/.my.cnf") or die "cant connect";

$sth = $dbh->prepare("select code,name from area");


while ( ( $code, $name ) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { 
  $area{$code} = $name; 

$dbh->disconnect() or warn "disconnect failed";

Note: this is just a snippet from a script.  you'll need to modify to
show values and such and put in a lot of debug stuff.

Marty Tennison <marty@sediva.com>