[ic] Can we do away with City and State?

Paul Jordan interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Tue Apr 22 17:52:00 2003

> I've already scoured thru the mailing lists to no avail.
> In the small island country of Singapore, we have no need for the City and
> State fields.
> I've managed to remove these entries from the new account form but upon
> checkout, it will prompt with the following.
> __________________________________________
> There were errors in your last submission:
> City: blank
> The areas you need to correct are shown in this color below.
> __________________________________________
> I've already modified the checkout.html to exclude these 2 fields as
> compulsory but that doesn't seem to be enough. Does anyone have any idea
> what else needs to be done? Many thanks.

etc/profiles.order   checkout_profile or credit_card depending on your

then, maybe also the [error...] tags on the checkout page, the required=1
param may stick ya.
