[ic] Putting javascript in a select with item-options

Chris Wenham interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Thu Apr 24 12:28:00 2003

On Thursday 24 April 2003 10:08 am, Mike Heins wrote:
> I think you are running afoul of the quoting capability of that subtag
> (remember, [PREFIX-thing] is not a real ITL tag) which doesn't include
> |.
> Try js='onUpdate=jsfunction();'. Or I believe you can format it as a Perl
> hash:
> [item-options
>         {
>                 td => 1,
>                 label => 1,
>                 bold => 1,
>                 price => 1,
>                 js => q| onUpdate="jsfunction()"|,
>         }]

 Hmm.. nope, this didn't work either. I turned on debugging to see what was 
being passed to Vend::Options::tag_options. Like this:

::logDebug("Pre-hash opt: $opt");
	$opt = get_option_hash($opt);

 When run with either of the above two lines, I see this in icdebug:

Vend::Options:debug: Pre-hash opt:  td=1 label=1 bold=1 price=1

 Is there an input validator that's throwing away the value of js?


Chris Wenham