[ic] interpolating non-HTMLsuffix files (or: linking .css files)

Doug Alcorn interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sat Apr 26 22:05:01 2003

I'm wanting to use <link rel="stylesheet" href="__CGI_URL__style.css
type="text/css" /> in my document headers.  The main advantage of this
over the THEME_CSS is that the style.css page will get cached;
THEME_CSS has to be downloaded for each and every page view.  The
catch is that I'm using catalog variables in my style.css, so I need
to make sure it gets interpolated.  As far as I can see, only files
that end in the HTMLsuffix in the catalog/pages dir will get
interpolated or even loaded.  My style.css is turning up 404.

I can find all kinds of ways to get my CSS definitions included in
each page.  What I can't find is a way to have a file linked in.  I've
even tried naming the file style.html; but that didn't seem to work.
 (__) Doug Alcorn - Unix/Linux/Web Developing
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