[ic] Discount Tag Question

Joshua Lavin joshua at kingdomdesign.com
Wed Dec 3 13:13:50 EST 2003

On Wednesday, December 3, 2003, at 09:05  AM, Terral Artis wrote:

> I am using IC 4.86, and have the discount tag working in the checkout 
> page.  The problem that I have is that the customer receipt shows the 
> old price without the discount applied.  The subtotal and total are 
> correct thought.  Do I need to do something with the receipt page?  I 
> also have the same problem if I look at the order in Admin.
> Terral

You need to change the [item-price] and [item-subtotal] tags to 
[item-discount-price] and [item-discount-subtotal], respectively. These 
should show the discounted price if there's a discount, if not, the 
regular price.

I posted this bug on Nov 10 under the subject: Bug in 
etc/log_transaction or PREFIX-subtotal. Fixing etc/log_transaction will 
fix your Admin. Here's a snip from that post:

The docs claim that PREFIX-subtotal takes discounts into effect, but 
this is not happening.

I've fixed my etc/log_transaction by changing the subtotal line (where 
the orderline rows are written) to:
"subtotal: [if discount [item-code]][item-discount-subtotal 
noformat][else][item-subtotal noformat][/else][/if]"

This also fixes the orders (new ones, anyways) in the UI.

Perhaps there's a better way to do that, or perhaps the PREFIX-subtotal 
tag should be fixed? Earlier, I had to change 
include/checkout/shopping_cart, etc/receipt.html, and etc/mail_receipt 
to use the PREFIX-discount-subtotal tag as well.

(My etc/mail_receipt item subtotal looks like: [if discount 
Maybe the if isn't necessary, I don't remember.)


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