[ic] Shipping Mode

Caleb Phillips interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Fri Feb 21 17:57:01 2003

> I'm running ic 4.9.5 and I'm trying to create a ship
> mode simalar to the Free shipping mode except I wanna
> call it Pick Up where customers can choose to pick up
> the products from our location.

Put this in shipping.asc and make sure you add it to your country's
shipmodes in the countries table. Also make sure it is \t delimited.

PKUP	Pick-Up	[subtotal noformat=1]	0	0	e Nothing to
ship!		{'PriceDivide' => "1",}
PKUP	Pick-Up	[subtotal noformat=1]	0	9999	f 0.00		{ free => 'Free!' }

That should do 'er.

Good luck. 

| Caleb Phillips                          |
| The Studio Resource                     |
| IT Specialist                           |
|                                         |
| Handcrafted for you in Ximian Evolution |