[ic] Return Click Bar

Jon interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Fri Jan 17 20:16:01 2003

> >     The searches are currently related to either the prod_group or
> > category column from the products tables, or a combination of
> > the two columns.  Beyond that there would be, as you mentioned,
> > the product detail page. In that case I would assume that would
> > not require a link back to it, but would want to display the links
> > to get back to where they came from. So if on a detail (flypage)
> > then would see something like.
> >
> > HomeLink -> prod_groupLink -> categoryLink -> SkuNonLink
> >
> > If they went straight from front page to a detail page then would show
> >
> > HomeLink -> SkuNonLink
> >
> > Does that make sense ?  I've seen this feature on web sites, but
> > can't recall one now that I'm looking for it, and I thought some has
> > done this in IC.
>     What is prod_groupLink a link to?  Do you have a landing page for each
> category, or is it a direct search link?
>     I have done this a couple of ways.  One way, we had two layers of
> navigation, main category (prod_group) and subcategory (category).  As users
> navigated to the landing pages for the categories and subcategories, we set
> scratch variables to indicate what pages the user had passed through.
>     Another way I have done this is by taking apart the last search and
> looking at the prod_group and category search values.

    In that regard I'm pretty much like foundation and pretty much as
you described.  I'm using the prod_group as a brand and the category
as a product type.  Otherwise it is straight from the category_vertical
component with only presentation changes.  I need to get more in tune
with IC, the idea of setting a scratch variable, I guess in the component,
makes sense.  Do I have that right ?

    Your other way; taking apart the last search, how do you do that
exactly ??  I've tried dumping the scratch area and I don't see it in
there.  I must be looking in the wrong place.  Even if I try the above
suggestion I'd really like to know how to get access to the last

Thank again,
