[ic] Return Click Bar

Jeff Dafoe interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sat Jan 18 01:50:01 2003

> >     Well, on the site that I set the scratch variables while passing
> > landing pages, there were separate html pages for each prod_group and
> > again for each category, so we just did a "set" command at the top of
> > page.
>     Is there a column/field in a table to define the html page for IC to
> pick it up automatically ?

    I am not sure exactly what you mean, but we didn't have much
database-driven stuff involved, the site actually has ten trillion
interchange template pages.  We use flypage and results but everything above
that is not database driven.  So it was easy to set variables at the top of
the pages to set what the user had been through.  Here's an example:


now click on the shaving link near the top.  Click on the first search
results, the "California North" thing.  Notice that the page carried the
women's header forward.  That was because a scratch variable got set when
you hit the womanlanding page.

Now go to:


and click on shaving there.  Click on the "california north" thing in the
search results.  You will see that the exact same flypage (00169) now has
the men's header.

    But it was relatively easy to do because there is a physical page for
the men's and women's landing pages.

>     Oh thank you so much.  I'm been trying to figure out how to grab the
> URL for a while.  None of my searches came up with anything.  I should be
> able to grab some split code from some where and then do some figuring.

    Oh, you are in luck!!!  While I was writing that stuff above I started
wondering how the sophee site picked up the sidenav which is obviously based
on the presented search results.  Then I realized that I already wrote what
you need:

[if session last_search =~ /products/]
  [seti lastsearch][data session last_search][/seti]
    my @sf;
    my @se;
    my $item;
    my $cnt = 0;
    my $tmpSearch = {};
    my @searchstring = split(/\//,$Scratch->{lastsearch});
    ## build list of sf and se
    foreach $item (@searchstring) {
      if ($item =~ /^sf=(.*)/) {
        push @sf,$1;
      elsif ($item =~ /^se=(.*)/) {
        push @se,$1;
    ## now build our hash of field/term pairs
    foreach $item (@sf) {
      $tmpSearch->{$item} = $se[$cnt];
    ## populate needed scratch values
    $Scratch->{lastbrand} = $tmpSearch->{brand};
    $Scratch->{lastmaincat} = $tmpSearch->{maincat};
    $Scratch->{lastsubcat} = $tmpSearch->{subcat};

    I forgot that I wrote it in a way that I could post it here later, all
you have to do is change those last 3 lines and you will be set.  In those
bottom three lines, the $tmpSearch value would be the name of the search
fields you are looking for and the thing on the left (the $Scratch) would be
the name of whatever scratch variable you want the extracted values stored
    Just put this at the top of your results page.

    Man, I feel great now, contributing and stuff....
