[ic] Photo gallery

marco simonelli interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sat Jan 18 17:53:01 2003

On Saturday, January 18, 2003, at 12:43 AM, marco simonelli wrote:

>     I'm sure just about anything you want to accomplish has been done 
> or
> certainly can be done with enough effort.  For me I've defined the area
> table to be for Brands of products and the cat table to define the 
> types
> of product. Consequently each brand (area) is associated with a
> product type (cat). This all assumes you're working from the 
> foundation..
> One you understand the linkage between the tables, which is somewhat
> documented and/or can be derived from looking at foundation, then I
> think you'll see how your needs will fit.

thank you for your reply.
I just digested the iccatut, even if not completely assimilated, and 
I'm going through the icfoundation and I think I got the big picture. I 
was thinking about defining one area to be Portrait Photography, or 
something like that, and the different cat table to define family names 
or events like "the Smith's wedding" with all the shots to be the 
single products.
My first problem is how to change not the flypage, which I understand 
is the single product display, but the page that shows all the item in 
one category, to show a list of thumbnails instead of the SKUs. Which 
page should I edit?
And also, what do you suggest me to edit pages? I normally use BBEdit, 
because the application to edit the content doesn't work on my Explorer 
5.2 for Mac.

> You'll then be able to use the built in search, loop, scan, etc. 
> facilities for customer searches.

This is still confusing to me. Where do you suggest me to read to 
understand it better?

Thank you again
