[ic] Saved / Recurring Cart

Jon interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sun Jan 26 00:27:01 2003

Using IC 4.9.3 and MySQL

I've read all over but haven't come across any solutions.

I've tried it on the 4.8.x demo and it appears to work there.
I haven't done anything to the guts of basket.html.
User does a save of cart and the cart's name appears
in the little box produced by saved_carts.html but
if the cart is selected nothing is in the view of basket.html.
If the user attempts to delete the saved cart via the 'x' it
doesn't go away it just stays there until another cart is
saved then the previous one is replaced with the new one.

Another weird thing that might help.  After saving a cart
with some name...  Via UI.... select tables, then userdb,
then select the user, then select the Repositories tab.
On that view there is a field 'carts'.  If user saves a
cart then that field has a single left curly brace '{'
If the user attempts to delete the saved cart then that
field has two curly braces  '{}'     On the other hand
via PhpMyAdmin that field is set to BLOB.
So what should be saved in carts then ?
