[ic] accessing search vars in results page

Jon interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Mar 26 22:15:00 2003

> Is there a way to way to access the search variables I used in the
> results page?
> Say I have a url like this
> /scan/se=mysearch/sf=category.html
> and I want to grab what I used for mv_search_field.
> I've tried [value mv_search_field] and it just spits out an asterisk.
> Do I have to grab and parse the url?
> Thanks,
> josh

    This will be the second time I've posted this information which was
provided to
me by some other kind person out there.  I hope it is what you're looking


[if session last_search =~ /products/]
  [seti lastsearch][data session last_search][/seti]
    my @sf;
    my @se;
    my $item;
    my $cnt = 0;
    my $tmpSearch = {};
    my @searchstring = split(/\//,$Scratch->{lastsearch});
    ## build list of sf and se
    foreach $item (@searchstring) {
      if ($item =~ /^sf=(.*)/) {
        push @sf,$1;
      elsif ($item =~ /^se=(.*)/) {
        push @se,$1;
    ## now build our hash of field/term pairs
    foreach $item (@sf) {
      $tmpSearch->{$item} = $se[$cnt];
    ## populate needed scratch values
    $Scratch->{lastbrand} = $tmpSearch->{brand};
    $Scratch->{lastmaincat} = $tmpSearch->{maincat};
    $Scratch->{lastsubcat} = $tmpSearch->{subcat};