[ic] PGP - encryption

Jerome Manceau manceau at peppermind.de
Tue Nov 4 14:08:10 EST 2003


I try furiously to set the pgp-encryption for my order.
Nothing works.

Here is what I set in the catalog.cfg:

EncryptProgram  __PGP__
Encryptkey      __PGP_KEY__
Route main  <<EOF
         attach            0
         credit_card       1
         default           1
         email             '__ORDERS_TO__'
         encrypt           0
         errors_to         '__ORDERS_TO__'
         pgp_cc_key        "__PGP_KEY__"
         pgp_key           "__PGP_KEY__"
         receipt           etc/receipt.html
         report            etc/report
         supplant          1
         individual_track  orders
         track             logs/tracking.asc

Route  mail <<EOF
         pgp_key          '__PGP_KEY__',
         email            '__ORDERS_TO__',
         reply            '__ORDERS_TO__',
         encrypt          1,
         encrypt_program  "__PGP__",
         report           'etc/report_mail'

... and in the variable.txt:

PGP_KEY 0x1AC93499  Encryption
PGP /usr/bin/pgpe -fa -r '%s' Encryption
PGP_CC_KEY  0x1CF38975  Encryption
ENCRYPTOR Encryption  Encryption

Does anybody know what's wrong?


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