[ic] Zero Dollar Shipping Results and the Shipping Tag

Gary Norton gnorton at broadgap.com
Tue Nov 25 11:11:19 EST 2003

For reference this catalog based off of the Mike04 Demo.

On a cart that returns zero weight (No Shipping Needed) the shipping tag is
not returning any <option> values.

This causes a single option with the text "Not enough info" to be placed on
the page. However, this is not a valid option and thus causes
mv_form_profile to fail.

What would be the best way to handle this event? 

Here is a snippet of the shipping.asc:
price_grnd:	Ground/Priority Mail    
	crit			weight
	min				0
	max				0
	cost			e No shipping needed!
	min				1
	max				119
	cost			8
	min				119
	max				239
	cost			10
	min				239
	max				359
	cost			15
	min				359
	max				479
	cost			18
	min				479
	max				599
	cost			20
	min				599
	max				9999
	cost			25

Here are applicable page code snippets:

  <input type=hidden name=mv_form_profile  value="Check_shipmode">
  [seti Check_shipmode]
    mv_shipmode=mandatory You need to select a shipping mode.
    [cgi name=ship_ok set=""]
    [cgi name=mode_ok set=""]
    [seti allowed_modes][either][query list=1 sql="select shipmodes from
state where state = '[value state]' and country = '[value
country]'"][sql-code][/query][or][data table=country col=shipmodes
key="[value country]"][/either][/seti]
      $CGI->{mode_ok} = $Scratch->{allowed_modes} =~
    mode_ok=mandatory Shipping type [shipping-desc] not valid for country
[value country].
  [tmp tmp_shipmodes][shipping possible=1][/tmp]
  [seti ship_options]
    [filter op="strip line2options" interpolate=1]
      [loop list="[scratch tmp_shipmodes]"]
        [set num][loop-increment][/set]
        [loop-code]=[shipping-desc mode="[loop-code]"] ([shipping
  [if scratch num <= 1]
    [if value mv_same_billing]
      [set finalize_back]ord/shipping[/set]
      [set finalize_back]ord/billing[/set]
    [set finalize_back]ord/shipmode[/set]
  <!-- options=[scratch ship_options] -->
  [shipping widget=radio_left_1 mode="[scratch tmp_shipmodes]"]

Gary Norton
Desk: 801-763-8056 x22
Cell: 801-368-7826
Toll-Free: 877-broadGap
broadGap Technologies
802 E. Bamberger Drive, Suite C
American Fork, UT 84003

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