[ic] interchange error

jlgates at morningstarwebservices.net jlgates at morningstarwebservices.net
Thu Oct 23 20:55:49 EDT 2003

The errors below happen every time I try to test the check out process to
see if I am going to be told I am below the minimum order quantity.

- - - [23/October/2003:19:11:51 -0400] - - hammered PID 19511 running 32
- - - [23/October/2003:19:11:57 -0400] - - hammered PID 19517 running 31
- - - [23/October/2003:19:12:33 -0400] - - hammered PID 19520 running 31
- - - [23/October/2003:19:12:40 -0400] - - hammered PID 19524 running 31

I read something in the ic archive that says something about a leading or
trailing " missing. I don't see anything in my cfg files that has this "

What files and where are the files that would be causing this error?

If the minimum and batch order control is set up properly at what point in
the order and checkout process is it supposed to tell the buyer that their
order is below the minimum order qauntity?

Does any one see anything wrong with the code below?

UserTag batch Routine <<EOR
sub {
foreach my $index (0 .. $#$Vend::Items) {
	my $code = $Vend::Items->[$index]{code};
	my $oqty = $Vend::Items->[$index]{quantity};
	my $base = $Vend::Items->[$index]{mv_ib};
	my $nqty = $oqty;
	my $batches = undef;

	my $min = Vend::Data::database_field($base, $code, "min_qty", undef);
	my $batch = Vend::Data::database_field($base, $code, "batch_qty", undef);

	$batch = 1            if $batch <= 1;
	$min   = 1            if $min   <= 1;
	$nqty  = 0            if $nqty  <= $min;
	$nqty  = $nqty - $min if $nqty  >  $min;

	$batches = int($nqty / $batch);
	$nqty = $min + $batches * $batch;

	my $message = <<EOM;
	<p style="font-size: 10px">
	You must order at least $min items.
	<p style="font-size: 10px">
	Additional items must be ordered in multiples of $batch.

	$Vend::Items->[$index]{quantity} = $nqty;
	$Vend::Items->[$index]{message} = $message if $oqty != $nqty;
	$Vend::Items->[$index]{message} = "" if $oqty == $nqty;

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