[ic] PricePictures and Calculations with Perl

Xenia Diaz Orejarena diaz at peppermind.de
Mon Sep 22 19:28:02 EDT 2003

Hi all,

the problem is, that I can't calculate with Perl with values like
[subtotal]. After the execution of calculating the Results are always
missing there decimal places like:

13.40 + 10 = 23.00

I have no idea, what's going on there. What ist the problem between Perl and
interchange in this case.

The Price-Picture-Definitions in catalog.cfg are as follows:

Locale eur_EUR mon_decimal_point .
Locale eur_EUR price_picture "######.##"


my $mwst = ( $Tag->subtotal() * 16 ) / 116 ;
$mwst = sprintf("%.2f",$mwst);
$Tag->set("mwst", $mwst);

my $flgs = sprintf("%.2f",$Tag->scratch("flaschen_ges"));

if ($flgs > 6 && [subtotal] < 250){

  $Tag->set("vpp", "10.00");
  $gesamt = '[subtotal]' + '10.00';

}elsif($flgs <= 6 && [subtotal] > 250){

  $Tag->set("vpp", "6.50");
  $gesamt = '[subtotal]' + '6.50';

$gesamt = sprintf("%.2f",$gesamt);
$Tag->seti("ges_preis", $gesamt);



I'd bee very happy, if anybody could give me a hint for solving this


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